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Saving costs in (rural) road construction

So save unnecessary expenses with us and our special equipment.

With an intelligently applied combination of our various special equipment, considerable cost savings can be achieved in rural road construction, while maintaining the required road widths and load values. The PÖMA system saves maintenance costs in the form of road construction materials, operating materials, less road transport and, due to its longevity, leads to longer intervals for necessary maintenance work during the subsequent use of the paths.

The completed paths ensure less wear and tear on all vehicles using the paths. In addition, the drivers are protected from damage to their health caused by impact loads due to uneven road surfaces. The roads allow for higher transport speeds, which also leads to significant economic benefits.

By the way, the limited EU funding is redefined from year to year. If these funds were used more effectively, experience shows that it would be possible to maintain 2 to 3 times the length of the paths while at the same time improving their load-bearing capacity.

Even in path construction, you can think about tomorrow today .

Sustainability is the number one topic. We think that is right. After all, we only have one world and our children and grandchildren should be able to experience it in good condition. With the PÖMA system and the possibilities you can consciously think about our common future and the economical use of resources, we take responsibility with and for you.

Would you like to learn more about the ecological advantages of our system? Then we have compiled some information worth knowing for you here → directly on the topic of environmental protection in road construction.

No matter whether you commission us publicly, commercially or privately: we will advise you in detail and find an optimal solution that meets your needs. Guaranteed!

⇒ Take advantage of our offer of a non-binding initial consultation and call us at our company headquarters in the district of Wolfenbuettel (Lower Saxony) at +49 5331 68 43 4.

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